Loyalty Program
Dive into our Fin-tastic Loyalty Program designed to show appreciation to our valued customers! Earn points with every purchase and unlock fantastic rewards along the way. Here's how it works:
Every dollar spent gets you closer to reeling in exclusive rewards! The more time spent catchin' deals, the more, the more dollars you will be saving on your next fishing adventure!
We have established multiple tiers based on point thresholds to offer you increasing benefits as you progress:
🥉 Bronze Tier Reward (50 Points)
Hook a 5% coupon on your next purchase to start your adventure.
🥈 Silver Tier Reward (100 Points)
Reel in a shiny 10% coupon, rewarding your loyalty with each cast.
🥇 Gold Tier Reward (250 Points):
Feel like a true angling champion with a 15% coupon, celebrating your mastery of the waters.
🏆 Platinum Tier Reward (500 Points)
Ascend to the pinnacle of our loyalty program and claim an impressive 20% coupon, the ultimate trophy for your dedication.
Once you reach the required point threshold for a specific tier, you can tackle the corresponding discount on your next purchase. The discount will be automatically applied at checkout.
In addition to the discounts, being a part of our rewards program reels in exclusive access to special promotions, early product launches, and members-only events.
Easily track your points and rewards through your personalized online account or via our dedicated mobile app.
Our rewards program allows you to use your points and discounts at your convenience. Save them up for a significant discount or enjoy smaller rewards along the way.
But wait, there's more. .
Unlock the Silver Tier reward swiftly by following these three simple steps:
1️⃣ Sign up for our mailing list = 25 points
Dive into the school and stay connected with the latest updates.
2️⃣ Become a site member = 25 points
Secure your place in our angler community and enjoy exclusive benefits.
3️⃣ Join our app = 50 points
Make a splash in the digital realm and earn a boatload of points.
Reap the rewards, enjoy early access to promotions, and join us at exclusive fish-filled events! Track your progress effortlessly through your personalized online account or our handy mobile app.
Ready to embark on this exciting fishing journey? Cast, catch, and reel in those rewards with Glass City Bait & Tackle!